COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado - USA Archery is now accepting applications for the 2017 Ann Hoyt/Jim Easton JOAD Grant. The JOAD Grant is made possible through generous contributions from the Ann Hoyt Legacy Fund and lifetime supporter of archery, Jim Easton of Easton Foundations. USA Archery is proud to be able to provide these grants to support our JOAD clubs as they facilitate better training atmospheres and help young archers achieve higher goals.
USA Archery saw significant club growth in 2016 with nearly 150 new clubs joining across the country. As we look to continue this growth in 2017, we are also very focused on supporting our existing clubs to build a lasting infrastructure for long-term equipment usage and club development.
Katherine Townsend of Cincinnati Archers shared the far-reaching effects of their grant: "The Ann Hoyt/Jim Easton JOAD Grant has had an impact throughout our entire program. Because of the grant, new archers are able to learn how to shoot with equipment that is safe and appropriate for each archer. The Cincinnati Archers JOAD Club has experienced tremendous growth as a result of equipment purchased with the grant funds." The club, which began last September, has grown to 35 members and several archers in the club have already began competing at State Championship events.
Wasting Arrows' Lystra Pitts commented: "The grant funding allowed us to purchase proper outdoor targets for our club. Before we purchased these outdoor targets, we were using personal "bag style" targets and none of them were big enough to hang a full size 122cm target on. Now our JOAD club can practice with the properly sized targets. We would never have been able to afford these targets without the grant."
Mickey Estep of West Texas JOAD echoed: "The JOAD grant allowed our group to continue to offer archery opportunities for the youth of West Texas. We used the grant to purchase new target mats to replace the ones we had been using for around 6 years, and continue to work with our youth in the sport of archery."
All current Junior Olympic Archery Development clubs in good standing are eligible and encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted by April 3 for spring grants and August 14 for fall grants.
Clubs may request up to $2,000 in grant funds for items such as target butts, stands, archery equipment, general supplies, and coaching certifications. These applications will be reviewed by USA Archery staff and the JOAD Committee. Grants are highly competitive, so please make sure your application is as thoughtful and complete as possible.
You can read the complete grant rules and instructions and fill out the grant application online via the JOAD Grant page. Please submit applications via email to Membership Services Manager Brad Fiala at
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