USA Archery Logo
Member benefits All access Recreational NFAA Youth Lifetime Temporary Trial Youth
Youth Collegiate Adult Adult-Partner*** Family Ages 18-55 Ages 56+ Temporary Foreign Nationals
Eligible to Participate in National and Regional Sanctioned Events (Some events have additional requirements)                        
Eligible to Participate in Collegiate Division (Eligibiltiy Required)                        
Eligible to Participate in State and Local Sanctioned Events (Some events have additional requirements)                        
Coach and Judge Liability Insurance (USA Archery Certification, Background Screening and SafeSport required)                        
Eligible for International Team Staff (ITS)                        
Eligible for National Ranking (See selection procedures)                        
Eligible for United States Archery Team (USAT) (See selection procedures)                        
Eligible for International Competitions (See selection procedures)                        
Eligible to Earn National and World Records                        
General Liability Insurance and Excess Participant Accident Medical Insurance                        
Eligible to earn Coach and Judge Certifications                        
Member Dashboard access to member-only resources                        
Annual Event Magazine                        
Latest News                        
Monthly eNewsletter(s)                        
Eligible to Join a USA Archery  Youth (JOAD),  Adult or Collegiate Club                        
Bullseye Benefit Discount Program                        
Travel Discounts and Sponsor Benefits                        
Virtual Tournament Participation                        
USA Archery Club Achievement Award Program Eligibility                        
Range Pass**                        
Voting privileges (must be 18)                        
Eligible to take U.S. Center for SafeSport Training for FREE                        
Eligible for World Archery STAR pin program                        
Eligible for Regional and National Elite Program(s)                        
Eligible for Resident Athlete Program                        
Eligible for Athlete and Coach Grant Programs                        
Eligible for USA Archery Awards                        
Positive Athlete Scholarship (archers grade 9-12 only)

**Background Screening and U.S. SafeSport for SafeSport Training are additional Range Pass requirements.

***This membership is only for current members of the NFAA who also hold a current USA Archery Instructor or Coach Certification.

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