If you're looking to get more involved with USA Archery, please consider joining a Committee! This is a great way to volunteer while helping the sport of archery.
USA Archery members may request to attend Advisory Council and Committee meetings that are not determined by the Chair(s) to be closed meetings, but may not participate in discussion. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
The Audit Committee is a designated committee of the Board of Directors charged with oversight of financial reporting and disclosure.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Chair: Josh Halpern | First Term (2024-2025) |
Erin Niehaus |
First Term (2024-2025) |
Belinda Foxworth | First Term (2024-2025) |
Jonathan Herpy | First Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Jason Tabansky | First Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Kevin Mather | First Term (2025-2026) |
The Coach Advisory Council representatives make recommendations to USA Archery on the USA Archery instructor and coach certification programs, continuing education, and opportunities and challenges in the coaching community. The Coach Advisory Council will meet quarterly and as needed.
Minimum Requirements:
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
If an advisory council member serves any number of two-year terms as the Athlete Representative, their maximum term limit will not start over if they are consecutively elected to serve as a Coach Representative. The same will apply to a Coach Representative who moves to a new region. For example, an archer serving one, two-year term as an Athlete Representative, may then serve only two, two-year terms as a Coach Representative.
Linda Beck |
First Term (2023-Dec 31, 2025) |
Tom Hinojosa |
First Term (2023-Dec 31, 2025) |
Richard Burkett |
First Term (Jan 1, 2025 – Dec 31, 2026) |
Laval Dee Falks |
First Term (Jan 1, 2025 – Dec 31, 2026) |
Eleanor Rodriguez |
First Term (2023-Dec 31, 2025) |
Kaitlyn Oswald |
First Term (Jan 1, 2025 – Dec 31, 2026) |
The Collegiate Archery Program Council makes recommendations regarding the Collegiate Archery Program to USA Archery Staff. Regional representatives also serve as Regional Coordinators for the program, while the Athlete Representatives represent the student athlete population. Advisory representatives are elected by the collegiate membership.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
If an advisory council member serves any number of two-year terms as the athlete representative, their maximum term limit will not start over if they are consecutively elected to serve as a regional representative. The same will apply to a regional representative who moves to a new region. For example, an archer serving one, two-year term as an athlete representative, they may then serve only two, two-year terms as a regional representative.
2023 Collegiate Archery Program Council Nomination Form
2024 Collegiate Archery Program Meeting
North States: ND, MN, SD, NE, KS, MO, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH |
South States: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN, KY |
East States: VA, WV, PA, NY, ME, MD, DE, NJ, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT |
West States: OR, WA, CA, NV, ID, MT, WY, CO, UT, NM, AZ, AK, HI |
North Representative: Craig Holycross, Muskingum University | First Term (2024-2025) |
South Representative: Caleb Kirby, University of the Cumberlands | First Term (2023-2024) Second Term (2025-2026) |
East Representative: Andy Puckett, James Madison University | First Term (2021-2022) Second Term (2023-2024) Third Term (2025-2026) |
West Representative: David Stauffer, San Jose State University | First Term (2024-2025) |
North and West: Kylee Brookover, Muskingum University | First Term (2024-2025) |
South and East: John Stephens, University of Pikeville | First Term (2025-2026) |
The Board of Justice is a designated committee of the Board of Directors, which oversees all administrative grievances and right to compete matters filed with USA Archery. They identify individuals who would be fair and impartial and who would have the qualifications and ability to serve on hearing panels. They hear and render a decision, or appoint a panel to hear and render a decision, on grievances and disciplinary matters. The Board of Directors appoints committee members and the Chair.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Chair: Julio Mazzoli | First Term (2022-2023) Second Term (2024-2025) |
Tom Stevenson | First Term (2020-2021) Second Term (2022-2023) Third Term (2024-2026) |
Sydney Shaefer | First Term (2024-2025) |
Mandy Griego | First Term (2024-2026) |
Amy Lin Meyerson | First Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Timothy Palumbo | First Term (2022-2023) Second Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Tom Stanwood | First Term (2020-2021) Second Term (2022-2023) Third Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Matt Requa | First Term (2024-2026) |
Athlete: Ariel Fortenberry | First Term (2024-2026) |
Heather Hodge | First Term (2025-2026) |
The Ethics Committee is a designated committee of the Board of Directors and administers and oversees the implementation of, and compliance with, the USA Archery Code of Ethics and other ethical issues. Committee members review and investigate matters of ethical impropriety and make recommendations on such matters to the Board. They review and provide guidance on ethical questions presented by the Board, officers, committee and task force members, volunteers, staff and USAA members. The Board of Directors appoints committee members.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Bradley Kendrex | First Term (2024-2025) |
Anna Harrington | First Term (2024-2026) |
Chair: Charles Platt | First Term (2024-2026) |
Athlete Rep: Wendy Gardner | First Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete Rep: Karen Sternfeld | First Term (2024-2026) |
Athlete: Savannah Vanderwier | First Term (2022-2023) Second Term (2024-2025) |
The Diversity Equity, Inclusion and Access (“DEIA”) Advisory Council shall be responsible for guiding and supporting USA Archery’s progress on diversity, equity, inclusion and access. Council members will be asked to:
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Chair: Mary Emmons, USA Archery
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA) Advisory Council Members:
Jan Murray Easter* | First Term (2024-2025) |
Athena Tran* | First Term (2022-2024) |
Kinley Hetletved* | First Term (2024-2025) |
Sarah Chai Schildknecht** | First Term (2022-2024) |
Athlete Rep: Diana Romero*** | First Term (2025-2026) |
Candice Caesar (Athlete Rep)*** | First Term (2022-2023) Second Term (2024-2025) |
DEIA Advisory Council Member one-year term to implement staggering of appointment
Eligibility: All candidates must have a current USA Archery Background Screen and current U.S. Center for SafeSport Training through the duration of their appointment.
Selection: The DEIA Advisory Council shall be comprised of a diverse range of identities including, but not limited to expertise, status as an athlete, roles within the USAA community, and statements of interest and shall be selected as follows
*Three (3) individuals who are selected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall prioritize choosing qualified individuals whose demographics are underrepresented within the organization;
**One (1) individual selected by the DEIA Advisory Council;
***Two (2) athlete representatives selected pursuant to the USAA Bylaws Section 9.4
JOAD Advisory Council representatives make recommendations regarding the Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) program and event administration to the USA Archery staff. Representatives also serve as Regional Coordinators for the program. The JOAD Grassroots Director serves as the USA Archery Board of Directors representative to this advisory council as a non-voting, advisory representative. The JOAD Advisory Council is elected by Club Leaders in respective regions.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
If an advisory council member serves any number of two-year terms as the athlete representative, their maximum term limit will not start over if they are consecutively elected to serve as a regional representative. The same will apply to a regional representative who moves to a new region. For example, an archer serving one, two-year term as an athlete representative, they may then serve only two, two-year terms as a regional representative.
JOAD Advisory Council Nomination Form
North States: ND, MN, SD, NE, KS, MO, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH |
South States: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN, KY |
East States: VA, WV, PA, NY, ME, MD, DE, NJ, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT |
West States: OR, WA, CA, NV, ID, MT, WY, CO, UT, NM, AZ, AK, HI |
North Representative: Sarah Briscoe, North Side Archery Club | First Term (2024-2025) |
South Representative: Phil Jones, In-Range Archery | First Term (2025-2026) |
East Representative: James Koons, Palmyra Sportsmen's JOAD | First Term (2025-2026) |
West Representative: Robert Pian, Arizona Junior Olympic Archery Development | First Term (2020-2021) Second Term (2022-2023) Third Term (2024-2025) |
North and West: Andrew Van Why | First Term (2024-2025) |
South and East: Milla Shanklin | First Term (2025-2026) |
The Nominating and Governance Committee is a designated committee of the Board of Directors and identifies and evaluates prospective candidates for the Board of Directors and selects individuals to serve on the Board as provided in the Bylaws. When requested by the Board, they recommend individuals to serve on various committees and task forces and consult with the Ethics Committee to inspect all nominations. They develop and recommend to the Board for its consideration an annual self-evaluation process of the Board and its committees and task forces.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Bobby Slaton | First Term (2024-2025) |
Judge/Coach: Gabe Querol | First Term (2024-2025) |
JOAD/CAP: Linda Beck | First Term (2020-2021) Second Term (2022-2023) Third Term (2024-2025) |
Independent: Miles Foxworth, Chair | First Term (2022-2023) Second Term (2024-2025) |
Athlete: Vacant | |
Athlete: Sydney Sullenberger | First Term (2024-2025) |
The Judge Advisory Council members make recommendations to USA Archery regarding judge related matters.
Minimum Requirements:
As a Judge Advisory Council Representative, you will be asked to:
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Preferred Requirements:
Voting: Voting would occur via region through Survey Monkey or another online service, with Regions staggered to improve continuity of functions and performance of the council.
Voting Years:
Judge Advisory Council Members
Regional Representatives | States | Terms |
West Representative: Wendy Whalen | West States: OR, WA, CA, NV, ID, MT, WY, CO, UT, NM, AZ, AK, HI |
1st Term: 2024-2025 |
South Representative: Eric Davis | South States: TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN, KY |
1st Term: 2023-2024 |
North Representative: Brent Harmon | North States: ND, MN, SD, NE, KS, MO, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH |
1st Term: 2025-2026 |
East Representative: Megan Tierney | East States: VA, WV, PA, NY, ME, MD, DE, NJ, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT |
1st Term: 2024-2025 |
Athlete Representative: John Shelby Stephens |
1st Term: 2025-2026 |
Athlete Representative: Matt Requa |
1st Term: 2022-2023 |
The Athletes Advisory Council advises the Board of Directors and USA Archery staff on any issue relating to athletes or athlete rights. Council members represent the athlete membership and act as a voice on their behalf. They are responsible for broadening communication between USA Archery and active athletes. They review all team selection procedures and provide input on other athlete related matters. Current athlete members of USA Archery elect council members.
Term Length: 4 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 2 Terms
Lexi Hull (Compound) | First Term (2023-2026) |
Team USA AC Representative: Heather Koehl | First Term (2025-2028) |
Chair/Team USA AC Representative - Alternate: Kathrine Wu | First Term (2025-2028) |
Trenton Cowles (Recurve) |
First Term (2025-2028) |
Catarina GNoriega | First Term (2025-2028) |
Makenna Proctor (Compound) | First Term (2023-2026) |
Savannah Vanderwier (Compound) | First Term (2021-2022) Second Term (2023-2026) |
The Para Athletes Advisory Council advises the Board of Directors and USA Archery staff on any issue relating to athletes or athlete rights. Council members represent the athlete membership and act as a voice on their behalf. They are responsible for broadening communication between USA Archery and active athletes. They review all team selection procedures and provide input on other athlete related matters. Current Para athlete members of USA Archery elect council members.
Term Length: 4 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 2 Terms
Recurve Representative: Karen Sternfeld |
First Term (2025-2028) |
Recurve Representative: Candice Caesar | First Term (2021-2024) Second Term (2025-2028) |
Co-Chair/Recurve Representative: Kevin Mather | First Term (2021-2024) Second Term (2025-2028) |
Compound Representative: Andrew Pike | First Term (2023-2026) |
Co-Chair/Compound Representative: Wendy Gardner | First Term (2023-2026) |
Compound Representative: Ben Thompson | First Term (2019-2022) Second Term (2023-2026) |
The Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games legacy created an endowment to support each national governing body in the U.S. Olympic organization. The National Archery Association (NAA) Foundation is responsible for managing the distribution of those funds allocated to our organization over time. They also manage the distribution and use of large directed giving donations including the Ann Hoyt/Jim Easton JOAD grants.
Term Length: 3Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: N/A
President: Margaret Poole | First Term: (2023-2025) |
Vice-President: William T. Nolan | First Term: (2022-2024) |
Treasurer/Secretary: Robert Pian | First Term: (2011-2013) Second Term: (2014-2016) Third Term: (2017-2019) Fourth Term: (2020-2022) Fifth Term: (2023-2025) |
Jack Williams | First Term: (2023-2025) |
Nobuhisa Ishizuka | First Term (2022-2024) |
Mike Cullumber | First Term: (2021-2023) Second Term: (2024-2026) |
The Traditional Target Archery Council makes recommendations regarding Traditional Target Archery to USA Archery staff and oversees the Traditional Indoor and Traditional Target Nationals events in coordination with the USA Archery National Events Manager. The Council sets rules for traditional equipment, maintains records for the traditional divisions, distributes designated division awards and updates Traditional Archery web page as necessary.
The Traditional Target Archery Council is elected by USAA members who identify their discipline as Traditional Archery in their member profile.
Term Length: 3 years Maximum
Consecutive Terms: 2 terms
Chair: Norm Graham | Initial term: 2020-2022 |
Glenn Meyers | Initial term: 2020-2022 |
Jennifer Larsen | Initial term: 2020-2021 Second term: 2022-2024 to Implement staggering of terms. |
Decisions directly impacting the selection of USA Archery’s, athletes, coaches, and/or other staff, for Protected Competitions, including development, approval, and implementation of selection criteria, to include any amendments, must be reviewed and approved by the Selection Procedure Committee.
Selection Procedure Development Policy
The Compensation Committee is a designated committee of the Board of Directors tasked with reviewing the Chief Executive Officer’s compensation and goals.
Term Length: 2 Years
Maximum Consecutive Terms: 3 Terms
Chair: Josh Halpern | First Term (2025-2026) |
Erin Niehaus | First Term (2025-2026) |
Nobu Ishizuka | First Term (2025-2026) |
Athlete: Kevin Mather | First Term (2025-2026) |
Athlete: Jason Tabansky | First Term (2025-2026) |
USA Archery, 210 USA Cycling Point, Ste. 130, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. [email protected]. 719-866-4576. Contact.
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