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USA Archery is led by an elected 13-person Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors must be members of USA Archery who are at least 18 years old and U.S. citizens. Members of the Board of Directors hold office for a three-year term and are not eligible to be elected to serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, but may, after a three-year absence from membership on the Board, be re-elected.

The USA Archery Board of Directors represents the interests of the archery community and its athletes by providing the organization with policy, guidance and strategic direction. The Board oversees the management of USA Archery and its affairs, but it does not manage the organization. The Board focuses on long-term objectives and impacts, empowering the Chief Executive Officer to manage a staff-driven organization with effective Board oversight.

USA Archery Financials Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Nomination Forms

In addition, the Board performs the following specific functions, among others:

  • Implements procedures to orient new Board directors, to educate all directors on the business and governance affairs of USA Archery, and to evaluate Board performance
  • Selects, compensates, and evaluates the Chief Executive Officer and plans for management succession
  • Reviews and approves USA Archery's strategic plan and the annual operating plans, budget, business plans, and corporate performance
  • Sets policy and provides guidance and strategic direction to management on significant issues facing USA Archery
  • Reviews and approves significant corporate actions
  • Oversees the financial reporting process, communications with stakeholders, and USA Archery's legal and regulatory compliance program
  • Oversees effective corporate governance
  • Approves capital structure, financial strategies, borrowing commitments, and long-range financial planning
  • Reviews and approves financial statements, annual reports, audit and control policies, and, upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, selects independent auditors
  • Monitors to determine whether USA Archery's assets are being properly protected
  • Monitors USA Archery's compliance with laws and regulations and the performance of its broader responsibilities
  • Ensures that the Board and management are properly structured and prepared to act in case of an unforeseen corporate crisis

USA Archery Board of Directors

Board of Directors: three Year Term, Two Consecutive Term Maximum
Board Chair: Two Year Term, Three Consecutive Term Maximum

Chair & Independent: Belinda Foxworth Interim Chair Assignment: Dec 2021 – April 2022
Chair First Term: (2022-2024)
First Term: (2022-2025)
Chair Second Term: (2024-2025)
Independent: Nobu Ishizuka First Term (2024-2026)
Independent: Jonathan Herpy First Term (2022-2025)
Independent: Josh Halpern First Term (2024-2026)
Independent: Erin Niehaus First Term (2024-2026)
At-Large: Dee Falks First Term (2024-2026)
At-Large: Douglas Denton First Term (2025-2027)
Team USA AC Athlete Rep: Heather Koehl First Term (2025-2028)
Team USA AC Athlete Rep – Alternate*: Katherine Wu First Term (2025-2028)
Compound Athlete: Makenna Proctor First Term (2023-2026) 
At-Large Athlete: Jason Tabansky First Term (2024-2026)
At-Large Athlete: Lexi Keller First Term (2022-2025)
Para Athlete Director: Kevin Mather First Term (2022-2025)

*Non-voting member. Remainder of the roster are voting members.

Governance Resources

BylawsBoard member guidelinesStrategic PlansFile a ComplaintUSAA BOD and Staff Guidelines for Reporting Misconduct 

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