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From local events to state, National, Continental and World Championships, archery events depend on judges to run smoothly and ensure a level playing field for all archers. The USA Archery Judge Certification Program promotes an international standard of event judging at all levels of competition within USA Archery.

NEW this year, USA Archery is offering an online Judge Certification Course for Level 1, Level 2 Certified and Level 3 National Judges on the USA Archery Education Hub, making it easier than ever to advance your archery career.

To register, find a course that's right for you below. Once registered, to access the online course, return or log in to your Personal Account at In the far left-hand menu select Access Online Courses. You will be automatically directed to the USA Archery Education Hub where you will complete your online course.

After successfully completing a course, certifications will automatically update in your USA Archery Membership Services Account.

USA Archery’s Judge Certification program has transitioned from a two level system to a three level system. The additional level was added as an entry level for judging at local events.

New Certification Levels Previous Certification Level
Level 1 Judge  
Level 2 Certified Judge Certified Judge
Level 3 National Judge National Judge

Current Certified Judges will now be Level 2 Certified Judges and current National Judges will now be Level 3 National Judges.

Judge courses have been completely overhauled and will now be completed online through the USA Archery Education Hub. Judges will follow the below steps for both new judge certifications and when renewing their certification:

  • Log in to their USA Archery Membership Services Account
  • Click Personal Account
  • Click Courses
  • Register for appropriate Judge Course or Refresher Course
  • Once registered, users will select Access Online Courses in the far-left menu
  • Users will be automatically directed to the USA archery Education Hub and the appropriate course will appear on their Dashboard
  • Once all requirements are complete, and the course(s) have been passed, the user's judge certification will automatically update in their USA Archery Membership Services Account

Level 2 Certified Judges can take the course to be a National Judge if they have been a Level 2 Certified Judge for two years and completed Judge duty at one USA Archery NationaNational-level outdoor tournament, plus one USA Archery National Indoor or National Field tournament prior to taking course. Level 2 Certified Judges will need to take both the online portion of the Level 3 National Judge Course and the in person practical portion of the Level 3 National Judge course.

USA Archery will not accept the World Archery Online National Judge Course in place of the USA Archery Level 3 National Judge Course. The USA Archery courses are designed specifically for USA Archery judges and USA Archery events.

If you have attended a USA Archery Regional Judge Seminar, World Archery Americas Continental Judge Seminar, or World Archery Judge Seminar within three years of your certification expiration date then you will send an email to [email protected] within 60 days of renewal. You will receive a coupon code to take the online refresher course for $35.

Renewal information can be found here.

USA Archery Judge Courses



Certification Steps

  • After completing the prerequisites, members should log in to the USA Archery Membership Services System (
  • Click Courses
  • Register for the USA Archery Online Level 1 Judge Course
    • The course cost is $40
  • To access the online course, return or log in to your Personal Account at In the far left-hand menu select Access Online Courses. You will be automatically directed to the USA Archery Education Hub where you will complete your online course.

*If completed for another USA Archery program, it is not necessary to resubmit.
**U.S. Center for SafeSport Training for under 18 will require parental consent

Register for the USA Archery Level 1 Course



Certification Steps

  • After completing the prerequisites, members should log in to the USA Archery Membership Services System (
  • Click Courses
  • Register for the USA Archery Online Level 2 Certified Judge Course
    • The course cost is $50
  • To access the online course, return or log in to your Personal Account at In the far left-hand menu select Access Online Courses. You will be automatically directed to the USA Archery Education Hub where you will complete your online course.

*If completed for another USA Archery program, it is not necessary to resubmit.
**U.S. Center for SafeSport Training for under 18 will require parental consent

Register for the USA Archery Level 2 Certified Judge Course


  • Minimum Age: 20
  • USA Archery Membership
  • USA Archery background screening*
  • U.S. Center for SafeSport Training**
  • Must be a Level 2 Certified Judge for two years and completed Judge duty at one USA Archery National-level outdoor tournament, plus one USA Archery Indoor Nationals or Field Nationals prior to application.
  • The Level 3 National Judge Course will be a blended course with an online course component and a practical component. The practical will be held on or before the practice day of the USA Archery Target Nationals each year***.

Certification Steps

  • After completing the prerequisites, members should log in to the USA Archery Membership Services System (
  • Click Courses
  • Register for the USA Archery Online Level 3 National Judge Course
    • The course cost is $75
  • To access the online course, return or log in to your Personal Account at In the far left-hand menu select Access Online Courses. You will be automatically directed to the USA Archery Education Hub where you will complete your online course.

*If completed for another USA Archery program, it is not necessary to resubmit.
**U.S. Center for SafeSport Training for under 18 will require parental consent
***The cost of the Level 3 National Judge Course Practical will be $50

Please note: the World Archery National Judge Online Course does not satisfy USA Archery Judge Certification Prerequisites

 Register for the USA Archery Level 3 National Judge Course

The title of USA Archery Judge Emeritus is awarded to USA Archery Judge for distinguished judge and official service to USA Archery. Nominations are provided by the Officials and Rules Advisory Council and must be ratified by USA Archery Board of Directors.

USA Archery Judges who wish to officiate Continental events (World Archery Americas ? WAA) may apply for Continental Judge candidacy after meeting the following criteria:

  • Current USA Archery National Judge Certification for 2 years
  • USA Archery Officials & Rules Advisory Council endorsement

Certification Steps

  • Submit the World Archery Americas Application for Continental Judge candidacy to [email protected]
  • Participate in a World Archery Americas Continental Judge Seminar
  • Pass the World Archery Americas Continental Judge Exam with 85% or higher

WAA Certification seminars are announced via the newsletter.  Stay current on WAA news and Judge information by signing up for the World Archery Americas newsletter here:  [email protected]

WAA Continental Judge Certification is valid for 4 years. Renewal process will include:

  • Letter of re-accreditation request submitted by each Continental Judge.
  • Letter of re-accreditation support submitted by each Continental Judges? national federation.
  • WAA Judges? Committee´s review of the assessments of each judge made by their commission chairs.
  • WAA Judges? Committee?s review of whether the judge has been active in the four-year period by making themselves available to officiate at least at one event in the period.
  • Written open book exam ? with a minimum of 85% correct answers to the exam.
  • Other requirements that the Committee may consider. In this case, the new requisites shall be informed to the judges at least 6 months before Jan. 1 of the year in which the re-accreditation process is conducted.

Note: USA Archery National Judge certification is required to maintain status as Continental Judge, International Judge Candidate or International Judge.

USA Archery National Judges who wish to officiate World Archery events may apply for candidacy after meeting the following criteria:

  • Current USA Archery National Judge Certification
  • USA Archery Officials & Rules Advisory Council endorsement
  • World Archery Americas Continental Judge with requisite years of experience

Certification Steps

  • Submit World Archery Americas Application for International Judge candidacy
  • Participate in a World Archery International Judge Seminar
  • Pass the World Archery Americas International Judge Candidate Exam

WA Certification seminars are announced via the newsletter. Stay current on WA news and judge information by signing up for the World Archery newsletter here:

Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email address to ?Join the mailing list?.

Note: USA Archery National Judge certification is required to maintain status as Continental Judge, International Judge Candidate or International Judge.

?This is a cool way to give back. Without judges, local programs can?t grow because a lot of clubs don?t have funds to send their kids to tournaments that require travel for their first event experience. So, if they can host tournaments with local judges, they can give kids local opportunities to grow and improve.?

- Hala Skelton, USA Archery Level 2 Certified Judge and Archery Instructor

For more information on Judge Certification programs, contact USA Archery at [email protected] or (719) 866-3451.

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