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November 28, 2010

London 2012 Organizing Committee Announces Ticket Availability for Athlete Families

The London 2012 Organizing Committee (LOCOG) has announced that a limited number of tickets will be made available to each competing athlete, for the event in which they are competing. The organizers of London 2012 have issued a statement explaining that they are releasing this information now to alleviate some of the concerns previously experienced by athlete families who wished attend the Games.

Each athlete participating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be eligible to purchase two tickets for family and friends to that athlete's event.

"We have always said that athletes' needs are at the heart of the Games, so we are delighted to be able to guarantee that athletes can share this once in a lifetime experience with some of their biggest supporters - their families and friends," stated Seb Coe, LOCOG Chair.

The International Olympic Committee's Coordination Commission Chairman, Denis Oswald, also commented, noting: "The athletes are central to the work of the IOC and it's great to see this initiative of the IOC Athletes' Commission come to fruition. I'm glad that the IOC and LOCOG have been able to create a program that will ensure that athletes can purchase tickets for their families and friends, so that they too can share the culmination of a journey that for many will have begun decades ago."

According to LOCOG, tickets for the London Olympic Games are expected to be available for public sale in March 2011. Members of the public may click here to register for updates concerning ticket sales. 

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