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November 16, 2010

World Indoor Championships Awarded to USA; FITA Council Announces Changes

Following the recent meeting of the International Archery Federation (FITA) Council in Istanbul, the Council has announced its decision to award the 2012 World Archery Indoor Championships to the United States. Planned as a joint event between USA Archery and the National Field Archery Association (NFAA), the World Indoor Championships are expected to attract hundreds of the world's top archers to host city Las Vegas, NV.

Additionally, the FITA Council evaluated the competition formats utilized during the past year, and announced some modifications. "USAA will be gathering the details surrounding the format changes announced by FITA today," explained Denise Parker, CEO of USA Archery. "We will review the changes against our current 2011 Trials Procedures and National Ranking System and will present any changes we feel are necessary prior to the Board of Directors meeting in December."

The key decisions made by the Council are listed below:

"The compound archers will shoot:

Qualifications round at 50 meters with cumulative scores on a 10-5 scoring rings target face.

All individual elimination matches at 50 meters with 5 ends of 3 arrows and cumulative scores on the same target face as the one used in the qualifications. The maximum score is 150 points and the archer having obtained the highest total score will win the match.

The recurve archers will shoot:

All individual elimination matches with 5 sets of 3 arrows-using the 2010 Set Format for scores. The archer obtaining 6 set points wins the match.

To note, the qualification rounds for recurve do not change.


A team will consist of the highest three ranked archers in the qualification round, unless the team captain notify in writing his three chosen archers to the Director of Shooting or the Chairman of Judges one hour prior to the start of the eliminations. Only three medals per team will be awarded. This rule only will come into effect on 1 April 2011 and does not apply for world championships where there are only three archers.

To note, team matches do not change (24 arrows, cumulative score), except for shoot-off (see below).


The teams will only play shoot-off of one arrow per member. In case of a tied shoot-off score (after the three arrows per team), the team with the closest arrow to the centre will win. If the best arrow per team is at the same distance to the centre, the judges will look at the second best, and subsequently the third arrow. This rule comes into effect on 1st January.

In matches with alternate shooting, the teams will play the shoot-off with teams shooting alternatively per archer (Team A shoots with archer 1, followed by team B shooting with archer 1. Then team A shoots with archer 2, followed by team B shooting with archer 2, etc.) This rule comes into effect on 1 January 2011.

To note, as of 2010, the individual shoot-off are also shot with one arrow only, closest to centre."

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