USA Archery News
April 07, 2020
Trivia Tuesday
- What year was the National Archery Association (USA Archery) Formed?
- Name a USA Archery Olympic Medalist
- Name a USA Archery Paralympic Medalist
- Name the style of bow used in Olympic Archery Competition
- Who holds the recurve men’s indoor world record for 18m?
- Name 2 archers who have competed at 5 Olympics Games
- Name 3 of the 11 NTS Steps of Shooting
- What distance do archers shoot in Olympic competition?
- How many points are the blue rings worth on a World Archery target face?
- Which compound archer has won the most world cup medals?
- BONUS: Who was the last U.S. barebow archer to win an individual world field title?
- BONUS: What was Darrell Pace's 1979 FITA World Record that stood for 10 years?
Scroll for answers!

- 1879
- Darrell Pace, Rick McKinney, Jay Barrs, Justin Huish, Jacob Wukie, Jake Kaminski, Brady Ellison, Butch Johnson, Rod White, Zach Garrett, Vic Wunderle, John Williams, Denise Parker, Debra Ochs, Melanie Hull, Luann Ryon, Doreen Wilber
- Jeff Fabry, Matt Stutzman, Andre Shelby, Richard Spizzirri…
- Recurve
- Brady Ellison
- Khatuna Lorig, Richard “Butch” Johnson
- Stance
- Nock
- Hook and Grip
- Set
- Set-Up
- Draw to Load
- Anchor
- Transfer to Hold
- Expand/Aim
- Release/Follow Through
- Feedback
- 70 meters
- 5 and 6
- Braden Gellenthien
- BONUS: Rebecca Harris Nelson
- BONUS: 1341
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