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June 13, 2023

Explore Archery Program Highlight: Griffin Archery Club

Griffin Archery Club recognized an opportunity, jumped in without hesitation, and hasn’t looked back since!

As a family-run small business in East Texas owned by Michelle and Jay Griffin, the shop had plans to eventually add youth programming, but with the Texas State ASA event being held nearby this July, the team at Griffin Archery decided to use this upcoming event to spur interest and get more kids and families from the community involved in archery as soon as possible.

Griffin Archery Club registered as a new Explore Archery Program with USA Archery in February 2023, and immediately had all staff obtain their Level 2 Instructor Certifications, under the guidance of their Level 3 Instructor/Trainer, Jay Griffin. The club did a small trial with two youth archers and one adult archer who were able to provide valuable feedback to help ensure the first full class ran smoothly.

Also, Griffin Archery Club periodically offers Level 1 and Level 2 Practical Courses.

Griffin commented, “We started our Explore Archery classes during spring break of 2023. We offered two classes each day for kids ages 8-17 years old. Talk about jumping off a cliff.  It was loud and exhausting, but we all had a blast!

“The kids’ improvement after just a few classes were inspiring. Having a condensed back-to-back almost day camp was a crash course that provided immediate feedback and has allowed us to make the continued classes even more fun and engaging.”

The flexible structure of the Explore Archery Program has helped spur success of the program. The shop is offering two Explore Archery Classes each week, with each class focusing on one of the five core skills, where kids can earn an Explore Archery Achievement Award.

Classes run on a rotating schedule, and all five core skills classes are offered each month. The classes are stand-alone, so it’s flexible for parents to sign up their kids on the days they are available. We are constantly changing up the games so the same class is different every time.

Griffin added, “We are seeing a growing number of families getting connected to archery through this program, as well as seeing the kids growing a new love for the sport.

“We have seen parents become involved in the sport along with their kids. Many of the kids repeat the classes and some have even purchased bows because they enjoyed it so much.”

The club is also receiving positive feedback and continued interest in the program.

“We’ve seen multiple families continue to remain involved and signing up for multiple classes,” said Griffin. “The kids get to try something new and cool, building their skill and confidence with each class.

“Parents are thrilled their kids have found something that doesn’t include being stuck behind a screen and it’s affordable, since all equipment is provided in each class.”

To continue to build upon the initial success of the program, the club is using social media, as well as their website and word of mouth to attract new customers. Social media posts explain upcoming class schedules, as well as provide highlights with pictures to engage audiences. In addition, anytime customers come in the shop, staff informs them about the programming options.

Griffin concluded, “The Explore Archery Program, with its predesigned structure, layout and flexibility, has helped us to quickly and easily set up our program. We have been able to draw youth and their parents into a fun, safe, and engaging environment to not only develop skills related to archery, but to help us achieve our goal.”

To learn more about Explore Archery and start a program today, click here!

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