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May 20, 2024

Craig Holycross of Muskingum University is the USA Archery National Collegiate Coach of the Year

Muskingum University’s archery program launched in the 2020-21 season and has only known one head coach, Craig Holycross, who has been named the 2024 USA Archery National Collegiate Coach of the Year.

A graduate of Muskingum in 2009, Holycross is a certified USA Archery Level 3 coach and member of the Broken Arrow Archery Club in Newark, Ohio. For the previous two years he has been among the Regional Coaches of the Year. This year, not only did he once again receive the nod for the North Region but was also awarded the National Collegiate Coach of the Year.

"The team and I are extremely honored to have received this award,” Holycross said. “We are grateful to have our hard work and dedication be recognized on such a large scale.

“We are proud of how far we have come in just a few years and look to continue this success and growth moving forward.”

Muskingum is the only school in the Ohio Athletic Conference to field an archery team and one of the only NCAA schools in the state to offer archery as a varsity sport.

Holycross added, “I don't think there is one particular thing I did that led me to achieve this award but a combination of hard work, time, and dedication to the overall program has led to its success.

“I think any collegiate coach would agree that this role comes with a lot of highs and lows but we all truly love what we do. Nothing makes me prouder than to see my student athletes succeed on the range and in life.”

The 2024 USA Archery Regional Coaches of the Year went to the following:

  • North Region: Craig Holycross, Muskingum University
  • South Region: Kris Strebeck, University of the Cumberlands
  • West Region: Francis Parchaso, Stanford University
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