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February 02, 2011

Michigan Community Coach Course Results

On January 28th, 29th and 30th, Rockford Sportsmen's Club in Rockford, 
Michigan hosted a Community Coaches Course with 19 archery instructors 
seeking to become certified coaches. The course was taught by Regional 
Coach (Community Coach Leader) John Stover and Regional Coach Lori 

The participants brought with them a vast amount of experience as USA 
Archery, NFAA, NASP and 4H instructors. In addition to the Community 
Coach Course curriculum, the participants had an opportunity to share 
experiences and to learn about each others organizations and how their 
youth archery programs are administered. While the majority of the new 
Coaches were from across Michigan, they also included guests from 
Indiana and California. The diversity of the group made for a great 
learning experience for all.

Congratulations to all of the new Community Coaches and to Rockford 
Sportsmen's Club for having a total of 8 new Community Coaches serving 
their JOAD program.

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