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August 08, 2016

Intense Five Set Matches for Mackenzie Brown at Rio 2016 Olympic Games

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Mackenzie Brown (Tyler, Texas), ranked 4th in the world, made her Olympic debut in Rio, qualifying 19th on Friday.  She opened the individual eliminations this morning with the first women's 1/32nd match against 46th seed Claudia Mandia of Italy.

Mandia took the first set by a point as Brown's arrows hit just low. Brown adjusted and nailed the ten ring with her next two arrows to split the set and bring the score to 3-1. Then Brown took the third set by two points and split the fourth with matching 28s. Down to the last three arrows, Brown was cool under pressure and knocked out a 26 over Mandia's 22 for the win.

Brown advanced to face San Yu Htwy of Myanmar, who had ranked 51st and upset No. 14 Taru Kuoppa in the first round. Htwy and Brown opened with matching 26s, but as Htwy found her stride with 28 and a perfect 30, Brown continued her streak of 26s. The match went all 5 sets as Htwy droppd a 25, but came back to take the final set and the win.

Competition continues tomorrow as the U.S. men begin their individual elimination matches. Brady Ellison and Jake Kaminski begin tomorrow afternoon and Zach Garrett's first match will be Wednesday afternoon. Follow for live scores and NBC Olympics for live streaming options. 

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