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July 31, 2015

Celebrating the Life of Steve Overbeck

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado - USA Archery is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Steve Overbeck (The Woodlands, Texas). Overbeck fought a hard battle with lung cancer and passed away on July 27th. Overbeck was a Level 3 NTS coach and the head coach at Woodlands JOAD.

Champion of the U.S. National Senior Games in 2011, Overbeck was passionate about archery since age 8. He also competed in archery at the University of Texas in college. Overbeck, a retired Naval airman and commercial airline pilot, was inspired by his son, Jack to return to competition in 2009 so that they could shoot together. Overbeck made a lasting impression on all he met and will be greatly missed in the archery community.

"Steve had a passion for archery but mostly because he knew it brought people together and was a tool he could use to change young people's lives," shared fellow coach, John Magera. "Steve's passing should be a lesson for us all that life is precious and we should live life with generosity, respect and kindness."

"I cannot tell you with enough passion how much this man is loved by the young men and women that he has faithfully coached and encouraged for the last few years," shared Terrell Welch, a parent of one of Overbeck's archers. "He is the epitome of class and integrity in everything he does.  He is the most gentle, kind and loving person that I think I have ever been around.  His courage and overwhelmingly positive attitude as he has faced cancer has been a shining light for the world."

Quinn Tschatschula, 14, shared his experience as one of Steve's students: "Coach Steve was a great friend and mentor. He always encouraged me to look for ways to improve. If I made a bad shot, he'd always tell me, 'don't say, "I can't believe I made a bad shot; I stink." Instead say, "Okay let's find what I did wrong so I can improve.'"

Rebecca Kelly, 15, agreed with Quinn: "I could tell as soon as I met him that he truly loved this sport. It was obvious in the way he coached: a student never felt put down by him. Instead of saying the student did something wrong, he would praise them for what they did right and help them improve in the area they needed help with. It was motivating.

"Without Steve, I wouldn't be where I am now. I wouldn't have medals and targets decorating my room, and I wouldn't be as brave and confident as I am. I never got the chance to thank him personally, so I will say it here: Thank you, Coach Steve. For everything."

Texas archery coach Tom Barker remembers, "Steve's ever-present smile comforted all he met even when he was the one who needed comforting. I have never met a more caring and giving person to so many. We are better for knowing Steve and will greatly miss him."

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