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April 12, 2012

Board of Directors Election Now Underway

Colorado Springs, CO - A special Board of Directors election is now underway, to select the new "Grassroots, Non-JOAD Director" who will represent Non-JOAD clubs on the USA Archery Board of Directors. Candidate statements from Rodney Estrada and Skip Trafford may be viewed below.

Ballots were sent via USPS mail on March 30th.  Executed ballots with voter information are due at the U.S. Olympic Committee Audit office in Colorado Springs, CO, no later than Tuesday, May 1, 2012.

USA Archery non-JOAD clubs, with current membership as of 60 days prior to the election, are eligible to vote.  Contact Cindy Clark via email: with any ballot voting questions.


2012 USAA Board of Directors Candidate Statements

2012-2013 USAA Grassroots (Non-JOAD Club) director candidate-Rodney Estrada

My name is Rodney Estrada and I am seeking your support for the USAA Board of Directors as Grass Roots Coordinator. I have a strong background in leadership, management and archery that would help USA Archery. I have strove in my archery career to seek further training in all aspects of my work in the sport.

I have specific goals I will seek as Grass Roots Coordinator and would like to first compliment Denise Parker and her tireless efforts to improve our sport through USA archery. . My suggestions would only build on the marvelous programs she has developed and nurtured. My tenure on the board would add to Mrs. Parker's efforts by trying to increasing access to archery programs for beginners in YMCA, Summer Camps, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other first shot opportunities. I further would seek to improve access to archery materials and gear through repository and understanding of interested parties willing to share equipment and perform camps for beginners all the way to the elite archer. This "clearing house" would be a repository of coaches, rule books, camps and opportunities to bring archery to a church Sunday school class or the Boy Scout Jamboree and everything in between. Lastly, I would see to promote regional organization throughout the country to actively recruit, train and increase our numbers of well trained and willing to participate camp coordinators, coaches and instructors.

I have an extensive background in education and have designed and executed numerous training programs of state and national recognition. My efforts in archery include becoming a Community Coach, National Archery in the Schools Basic Instructor, 4H level II coach, Boy Scout Archery Merit Badge Counselor, JOAD Coach, USAC Judge and Regional USA Judge. I have written a successful Easton grant for my JOAD Team and have taught USA Archery ? 711 N. Tejon Street ? Colorado Springs ? CO 80903 Page 9 of 10 coaching level I and II and Judging courses in an effort to bring more people into our sport. I also am an active Compound and primarily Olympic recurve bow competitor with several records in my resume. I ran an "Archery Village" for the EPIC Games in which 31,000 attendees shot arrows through everything from a Genesis bow to a long bow.

I appreciate your time and dedication to our sport and ask for your vote. I will do for you the best job representing Board of Directors and the members of the USA Archery. I hope to bring a fresh set of eyes to the growth questions and logistical challenges facing our sport and the NAA organization. Thank you for your time.

2012-2013 USAA Grassroots (Non-JOAD Club) director candidate- Skip Trafford

 It is an honor and a privilege to be standing before the USAA membership as a Board candidate. I have loved this sport from the time I was first introduced to archery through scouting on my way to Eagle through making the US Field Team that competed in Hungary in 2010.

My military career - retirement with 37 years as a foreign area intelligence officer - has taken me throughout the world. My civilian career - President of Global Operations for one of America's largest steel foundries - allowed me to run large manufacturing plants on several continents. My archery career - Scouting archery councilor/JOAD/Collegiate All American/11 National Teams and the 2009 World Games - has taken me to championships on five continents over the course of 5 decades.

My wife and children are all past/present US team members and world field champions. We have raised our four children using archery to teach core values/life skills to aspire for excellence in all they do. Each has been involved with the Junior Olympic Team, competing around the world. Rachael - a cadet at the Air Force Academy - is initiating a collegiate archery team and I am assisting USAFA with establishing a collegiate program. With our 2nd daughter Heather having already secured congressional nominations to all three military academies, it is likely archery will grow accordingly in at least two of our nation's military academies through the synergy of our family's love of archery. Too, I am working closely with my son's scout troop to grow community archery while pursuing an Easton grant.

A general once told me I was the grain of sand in the oyster: that small irritant that helped produce the pearl. I have never been one to accept mediocrity; I'm always ready to encourage those around me to synergize and interact, such that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. As you can see in our family and in the teams I've supported, I enjoy helping others achieve excellence and pride. I would do the same as an active member of our BOD.

What I can bring to the Board is a plethora of global experience - business, grassroots/upper echelon" archery and military - at a time when interactive global experience/participation as well as competitor experience is essential to grow our organization. We have come so very far in USAA's growth the past several years, but we must plan and act to maintain our momentum. We need Board members with strong domestic and global experience, so that we can not only learn from one another but focus on securing our future.


I humbly but sincerely promise you that, if elected, I will represent each and every one of you in the best way I can, bringing solid core values to our shared passion for archery.


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