July 10, 2020
136th USA Archery Target Nationals Enhanced Safety Procedures
Hello Archers! We are so excited to join you in Richmond, VA for this year’s Outdoor Nationals. Virginia government recently announced the state is in Phase 3 of reopening and conditions are good for our event. Dorey Park has successfully hosted several sporting events and tournaments in the last few weeks and is very prepared to host USA Archery.
We want to assure you we are in compliance with local and state health and safety guidelines as your well-being is our highest priority. The following procedures will be in place to ensure a safe and smooth event – please help us help you by coming prepared:
- Social Distancing – for Qualification rounds, archers will be spaced two archers per target, shooting one at a time (A/B format), with targets adequately spaced from each other. For Elimination rounds, archers will be spaced two archers per target shooting one at a time competing against an archer on the adjacent target, i.e. 1A competes against 2A; 1B competes against 2B. Archers will be asked to remain at least 6 feet apart at all times.
- Limited Field Access: – to reduce crowding and allow for proper spacing of archers, one support person (parent/guardian/coach) will be allowed per participant, but they must stay within the designated support personnel area. Support people will not have access to the field of play. Additional spectators will also be allowed on a separate, designated spectator area where they may wait for their archers while they're competing.

- Spaced Schedule – the event schedule has increased time between shooting sessions to allow for adequate sanitization of shared-touch areas and to ensure no overlap in attendance. Archers will be welcome to enter the venue no earlier than one hour prior to their assigned shooting time, when informed it is safe to do so, and will be asked to leave as soon as possible following the completion of shooting. Archers may only be at the venue only during the designated shooting time for their division.
- Masks – all event attendees will be required to wear face coverings at any public indoor space while at the venue. Masks are encouraged outdoors when not shooting.
- Hand Sanitizer – archers will be provided their own hand sanitizer at check-in and there will be additional sanitization stations throughout the venue. While high touch areas will be sanitized regularly, archers are encouraged to take care and sanitize often.
- Water – USA Archery will provide individual bottled water for archers. Please note, the water will not be in ice, feel free to bring your own coolers.
- Daily Health Safety Survey – in compliance with state regulations, all event attendees will be required to complete a health safety survey daily (found in your welcome packet at check-in) and submit to a temperature check via IR thermometer. The survey will ask about common COVID-19 symptoms and exposure concerns.
- On-Site Medical – if you are feeling unwell, report to medical immediately.
We look forward to seeing you in Richmond. If you have not yet registered for the event, sign up today! Any questions can be directed to [email protected].
*Article Edited 07/22/20 to reflect current spectator allowances.
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