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2025 South Carolina Indoor State Championship

2025 South Carolina State Championship 

Start time - Shooting will start promptly at 9 am. If line the time fills a second may be added.

All archers should arrive 1 hour early for check-in and equipment inspection. 

There will be food and drinks available on-site throughout the day. Please support your local archers by having lunch with us.

(reminder Electronics are not permitted on bows, no lights allowed.) 

Recurve, Fixed Pins, and Barebow – archers will have a choice of 40cm single spot or triangle 3 spot.  Outer 10 scoring.

Compound Bow – archers will have a choice of a 40cm single spot or a triangle 3 spot.   Inner 10 scoring.

Format- (1) 600 round consisting of 20 ends of 3 arrows.

There will be a 10-minute break after the first 10 ends.

Target faces will be changed at the judge's discretion.

Repair of target faces will be allowed as long as all holes are repaired.

Archers will be allowed 2 minutes per end to shoot. 

Double scoring will be utilized, with both a tablet and paper scorecard, arrow calls are made by the majority of the group.

Scorecards must be carefully totaled and signed before being turned in as the final scorecard.  Electronic scoring is unofficial.

Do not touch any arrow or target face until all arrow values have been called and recorded accurately.

Archer may request a Judge if he/she disagrees with the group call; the judge's ruling is final.

No unofficial Practice.

Up to 4 Archers per bale.

All Archers must be a member of USA Archery

Click Here to Join USA Archery or get a temporary membership.

S3DA, OAS, and NASP® archers are eligible for a free Trial Membership to USA Archery CLICK HERE 

USAA rules and Dress Code apply.

***USAA Dress Code will be enforced...this includes official practice sessions***

The USA Archery (USAA) Dress Code Policy applies to the following individuals when in front of the Spectator Line at USAA USAA-sanctioned events: athletes, coaches, managers, credentialed media, team officials, tournament officials, and archer agents.
1. Must present a professional, athletic appearance while on the field. (torn, ripped, or heavily soiled clothing articles are not allowed.).
2. Shorts, skorts, and skirts must be professional in appearance and length.
3. Camouflage clothing is only disallowed for broadcast/live-streamed medal matches at national events and after the first cut at U.S. Team Trials Events.
4. Denim is allowed, but must not be torn, ripped, or have holes. See Appendix A.
5. Leggings (tight fitting/yoga-type stretch pants) are allowed, but must not be transparent/translucent above the knee.
6. Upper garments must cover the front and back of the body, and the midriff when at full draw. They must also have sleeves.
7. Shoes must cover the entire foot unless pre-approved by USAA due to an injury or disability. Sports/athletic shoes are recommended.
8. At no time will any article that bears wording, insignias, innuendo, or images determined by USAA to be offensive or inappropriate be allowed on the field of play.
9. When participating in the USAA Collegiate Target and 3D Regionals and Nationals, archers and team officials must wear tops that indicate what school they are representing. Apparel must conform to all university rules regarding school logo usage. During the Team and Mixed Team Rounds, all members of
one team by class and division shall be dressed in the same team uniform. The teams of one school may wear different design and color uniforms (i.e. teams in different classes and divisions are not required to match). Team coaches and managers may wear a different style uniform than the team but should wear
the same colors and should be easily identified as the officials of their team. Headwear is optional. In the case of inclement weather, exceptions will be made by the Chairman of Judges (i.e. raingear, jackets, etc.). USAA has final discretion on the implementation of the Dress Code Policy.

Arrow Requirements (World Archery, Book 3):

11.1.7. Arrows of any type may be used provided they comply with the common meaning

of the word "arrow" as used in target archery, and do not cause undue damage to

target faces or butts. An arrow consists of a shaft with a tip (point), nocks, fletching and, if desired, cresting. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts shall not exceed 9.3mm (arrow wraps shall not be considered as part of this limitation as long they do not extend further than 22cm toward the point of the arrow when measured from the throat-nock hole where the string sits - of the nock to the end of the wrap); the tips (points) for these arrows may have a maximum diameter of 9.4mm. All arrows of every athlete shall be marked with the athlete's name or initials on the shaft. All arrows used at any end shall be identical and shall carry the same pattern and color(s) of fletching, nocks, and cresting, if any. Tracer nocks (electrically/electronically lighted arrow nocks) are not allowed.



"Masters" from the year of their 50th birthday

"Senior" any age

“U21” through the calendar year of their 20th birthday 

“U18” through the calendar year of their 17th birthday 

“U15” through the calendar year of their 14th birthday 

“U13” through the calendar year of their 12th birthday




Carolina Futsal Development Center, 2822 Commerce Dr, Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States of America, 29730


[email protected]



Start Date:


End Date:



Barebow (Recurve), Compound, Fixed Pins, Para Compound, Para Recurve, Para V.I., Para W1 and Recurve

Entry List:


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