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2021 USA Archery Maryland State Indoor Championship

This is the third annual USA Archery Maryland State Indoor Championship held at Vingt Neuf Bowmen in Perry Hall, Maryland. This shoot is open to all USA Archery members and NFAA members with a temporary membership. The shooting distance is 18 meters and the target faces are either a vertical 3 spot or a 40 cm single spot. We have (8) 48" wide shooting lanes for your comfort with sneeze shields between each archer. You can check out photos of our sneeze shields by going to Our first line will be on Friday night starting at 7 P.M. The Saturday lines will be at 10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 6 P.M. Sunday lines will be 10 A.M. and 2 P.m. This shoot is sanctioned through USA Archery as a Star event, which means World records can be broken and recorded at the shoot. Medals will be awarded to our State Champions with second place medals awarded to classes of 5 or more shooters, and 3rd place with classes of 7 or more shooters.

This year due to covid-19 concerns and State of Maryland restrictions, we have incorporated many precautions to make it safe for all participants. Everyone entering the building must be wearing a mask. Your mask must be on when not on the line shooting. Upon entering your temperature will be taken. Anyone with a high temperature will be turned away. If you have cold or flue like symptoms, please stay home. You will be required to use hand sanitizer provided when arriving. There will be 3 foot X 6.5 foot clear sneeze shields between each archer while on the line.

We are limiting the number of shooters per time slot to 16. There are 6 time slots for a maximum of 96 shooters for this tournament. At each time slot we will be shooting two lines of eight. Spectators are limited to one per family.

This year due to Covid-19, USA Archery is offering an opportunity to utilize your state championship score toward indoor nationals.  A separate registration is required to have your score submitted, and you must sign up for the state event before registering for nationals.

As with all our shoots we have a great menu for your convenience.

If you are planning to shoot the Lancaster Archery classic, this shoot will be well attended and a great tune up for LAS.

Out of state (nonresidents) are welcome to participate in a guest category.

NFAA Members may obtain a free temporary membership to participate in this event.

To Add NFAA Membership to account

         Log into USA Archery account

        Click on ‘Memberships’ within your personal account

       Click ‘Add Membership’

       Add ‘Existing NFAA Membership Validation’

       Enter NFAA membership number and click ‘Add’


Add NFAA Temporary Membership for Events

       Log into USA Archery account

       Click on ‘Memberships’ within your personal account

       Click ‘Add Membership’

       Add ‘USA Archery Temporary Membership’

       For membership type select ‘NFAA Temporary’

       Select the event you are participating in, complete the form and check out




Maryland State Game and Fish, 8735 Honeygo Blvd, Perry Hall, Maryland, United States of America, 21128


[email protected]



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End Date:



Barebow (Recurve), Compound, Compound Fingers and Recurve

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