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Offseason Academy Level I Instructor Practical Course

Level I Instructor Practical Course is a continuation of the Level I online course. It is the practical application of the learned material in a controlled environment in which the student will learn the shooting process, safety rules, commands, and manage a shooting range, and practice teaching the process. Students will be guided, observed, and evaluated by a Level 4 coach. 

Training materials will be provided. Students are encouraged to bring their own archery equipment, however not as a requirement.

The course will run within a 4 hour time frame commencing at 9am to 1pm. Students are to arrive 10 minutes early. They should wear clothing appropriate for weather conditions, however loose clothing should be minimized so as not to inhibit string clearance of the bow. Open toed shoes are unacceptable.

Students should provide their own hydration and snacks.    


Level 1 Instructor Practical Course


Clovis, Clovis, California, United States of America, 93619


[email protected]



Start Date:


End Date:



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