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February 27, 2014

New USA Archery Records Reporting System Goes Live

The National records system has been updated since this article has been published. Visit for updated records.


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A new system for reporting national records has gone live. Following an overhaul of the records reporting system, USA Archery has been processing records submitted and is now opening submissions for new records. 

The records were previously maintained by Level 4-NTS Coach Ron Carmichael, who graciously maintained the records, as well as many USA Archery historical photos, for many years as a volunteer. USA Archery would like to express its gratitude to Ron for his many years of volunteer service to the organization and its members. 

Current records may be viewed at:

USA Archery is asking for your assistance with records verification. If you've submitted a record claim, please take a moment to view the records, and let us know if you see something that may be an error. This will help us to maintain the integrity of the National Records. 

Please take a moment to review the following information about requirements for submitting a record, the process for submitting a record, and requesting a correction on a record. 

What are the requirements for records?

?      In order for a record to be applicable, it must have been shot at an event that was registered as USA Archery Sanctioned event.

o   For a record to apply for World Record status, the event must have been sanctioned by USA Archery AND registered as a Star FITA.

?      Records can only be applied for by USA Archery members and U.S. Citizens

?      The rounds being applied for must be OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED rounds by either USA Archery or World Archery (WA). There is a complete list at the end of this document.

?      If a record is shot at International Star FITA competition by a U.S. Citizen who is also a member of USA Archery (during the time of the event), the record will be applicable for submission.

?      There is one set of U.S. National Records.

?       Records can be applied for in an 'upward'/'downward' fashion provided the distances and target sizes, and order of distances shot, are the same.

o   If a Junior archer competes at a 72 arrow 70 meter round, and obtains a record that exceeds that of the existing Junior AND Senior record - this may be applied to the Senior record placeholder as well. (upward fashion)

o   If an archer is competing as a Senior, but is the age of a younger division (Junior), and the archer obtains a record higher than the noted Junior record, this may be applied for as a U.S. National Record. (downward fashion)

?      All records must be submitted to the USA Archery Office within 5-10 days of the conclusion of the event.

?      A score must be shot that is at least 1 point higher than that listed within the database to be eligible. 

?      Please make sure to consult the complete USA Archery Records Parameters if you have more questions.

?      If you feel you have completed a record that meets these specifications, please submit a claim by following the instructions below.

How do I apply for a record?

Follow the ten easy steps found at: You can submit the form in one of two ways:

?      Via Print Submission

o   Please print the record submission form at: Include a signed copy of your scorecard, and mail to:

Records, 549 E. Silver Creek Rd., Gilbert, AZ  85296

?      Via Email Submission

o   Still using the print submission form noted above, located at, please complete and email the form, along with a scanned copy of your scorecard, to [email protected]

I see a correction for the currently posted records - How can I help correct this?

?      If you see something that needs to be corrected on the currently posted records, please email [email protected]

o   Include the record for which you are noting a discrepancy

o   Please include any supporting material to make this correction (scanned scorecard, online posted results links, etc.)

o   Thank you for helping us maintain the accuracy of these records!

Which records are currently being recognized?

Outdoor Rounds:

For Cadet, Junior, Senior, Masters in Recurve and Compound Divisions as applicable.

  • 1440 Round (formerly FITA round)
  • 90m (36 arrows/122cm face)
  • 70m (36 arrows/122cm face)
  • 60m (36 arrows/122 cm face)
  • 50m (36 arrows/80 cm face)
  • 50m (Cadets/Masters; 36 arrows/122 cm face)
  • 30m (36 arrows 80 cm face)
  • 40m (Cadets/Masters; 36 arrows/ 80 cm face)
  • 30m (36 arrows/80 cm face)

Note: World Records for the above distances may only be shot as part of the 1440 Round

  • 70m Round (Recurve/72 arrows)
  • 60m Round (Cadets/Masters/72 arrows)
  • Compound 50m Round (Cadets/Junior/Senior/Masters/72 arrows/80 cm; 6-ring target face)
  • Recurve Cub- 50m (72 arrows; 122 cm target face)*
  • Recurve Bowmen - 30m (72 arrows; 122 cm target face)*
  • Compound Cub - 30m (72 arrows/80 cm; 6-ring target face)*
  • Compound Bowmen - 25m (72 arrows/80cm 6-ring target face)*


* Eligible for National Record status only - not World Record Status

Indoor Rounds:

For Bowmen, Cub, Cadet, Junior, Senior and Masters in Recurve and Compound Divisions.

  • 25m (60 arrows; 40 cm face)
  • 18m (60 arrows; 40 cm face) (Compounds = inner 10 ring scoring)

Para Athletes:

For Recurve W1, W2, Standing; Compound Open, W1 and Visually Impaired (VI):

  • Rounds are the same as able-body divisions with the exception of VI.

VI Outdoor Round shot in the following order:

  • 30m (36 arrows/60 cm face)
  • 30m (36 arrows/80 cm face)
  • 30m (36 arrows/80 cm face)
  • 30m (36 arrows/122 cm face)
  • VI 30m Round (30m/72 arrows/80cm face)
  • VI Indoor Round (18m/60 arrows/60cm face)

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