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October 09, 2009

JOAD - Communication is one of our keys to success


In keeping with our commitment to increase communication for the JOAD Program my hope is to bring you a blog post at least once a month with pertinent information about USAA's JOAD Program.

On Friday, September 25, 2009 - The JOAD Committee visited with USAA CEO Denise Parker and me via a conference call to discuss and make recommendations to the JOAD Program.

Not all of these recommendations will need Board approval but I felt that it is important to report this information to you because it does involve each of you. USAA CEO Denise Parker will take the Age Category recommendations and the JOAD Committee Nominee recommendations to the USAA Board of Directors that will meet November 6th and 7th, 2009.

The JOAD Committee's recommendations are:

  • Age Categories: The committee endorses aligning the Junior and Cadet Age categories with FITA. The Cadet age category is recommended to go through the year of their 17th birthday. Juniors age recommendation is through the year ending their 20th birthday. No other categories will change in references to age.
  • Jr. USAT: A combined Jr. and Sr. USAT tournament series is endorsed but recognize that there is a need for more ranking tournament opportunities.
  • The committee would like to see an equal Junior and Cadet Representation on USAT. The recommendation is that a simplified ranking system be developed and used for world ranking tournament eligibility and use it for USAT.
  • A grass roots character development program named "JOAD Journey" was discussed to fill a need of encouraging character development, sound archer skills, coaching and judging. The program may involve badges or pins.
  • 2010 JOAD Mail In
  • Nominations are needed for the JOAD Committee including an athlete representative member.

It is important that we keep focus on our goals and keep moving forward towards those goals. So, while all the above recommendations will be discussed in further length and detail, there are two important actions items that need to be acted on and are of the most priority:

1. Nominations for the seats on the JOAD Committee that are to expire in 2009. (North and West regions and Athlete representation)

2. 2009/2010 JOAD Mail In Tournament

USAA JOAD Committee is seeking three member representatives. 

As a representative you will be asked to:

  • Focus on youth character and competitive archery development as a lifetime activity
  • Advise the USAA National JOAD Coordinator and the USAA Leadership
  • Act as a state association, state JOAD coordinator and membership resource.

The USAA JOAD Committee meets quarterly by conference call and occasionally in person.  Day to day communications is primarily by email.  General committee business averages � hour per week.  Active committee members take on "special projects" that typically require 2 hours per week.  Committee members that can represent the program at USAA events and championships are helpful.  The committee chair coordinates committee efforts. 

The Committee is made up of up to 5 five members that serve 2 year terms.  JOAD Committee members must be at least 18 years old and may serve up to three consecutive two year terms. Committee service is on a volunteer basis.  Active participation in a JOAD club is helpful but not required.  For the 2010-2011 terms the following USAA JOAD Committee member applicants are sought:

If you are interested or know someone that would make a great committee member - nomination forms can be found at The deadline for submission of the nominee materials is October 30, 2009. Please note that all materials are to be submitted electronically to [email protected].

JOAD Mail -In Tournament

This will be the 23rd annual JOAD Mail-In Tournament that the committee has brought to you. The Mail-In tournament brings National Indoor Competition to all JOAD Clubs. In the past, the tournament has been run at the beginning of the year. This year we would like to bring to you a Mail- In Tournament November 15, 2009 through December 31, 2009 and then again January 1st, through January 31, 2010.  This will give all archers a chance to compete and shoot for a goal during the off season and then in January it will give them a chance to compete in the next age higher age group, that is, for those that are moving up.  Both mail-in tournaments will serve to prepare all JOAD clubs for the 2010 Indoor Championship Tournaments that run in February and March. All proceeds will benefit the Ann Hoyt Legacy Fund. I will be posting more specific information on the 23rd annual mail-in tournament at

Diane Watson, USAA JOAD Coordinator

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